
4 Things To Do on the 'Other' Side of London


Greetings fellow adventurers! Are you tired of the same old tourist traps? Ready for a truly unforgettable experience? Then how about a trip to Millwall, home of the Lions! I you've heard of them I'm guessing I already know what you're thinking. "But Roy, isn't that the club with the terrifying supporters?"

The tale about how, when and why Millwall fans gained their reputation is a long and protracted one involving mass media stereotyping, scapegoating and a smidgen of truth. I won't go into here but for now ... don't believe the hype. Let me tell you why a trip to Millwall is a must-do for any football fan.

Yes, Millwall supporters have gotten a bad rap. But let me ask you this: have you ever actually met a Millwall fan? Because I have and let me tell you, they're some of the nicest, most passionate people you'll ever meet. Sure, they might be a bit rowdy from time to time, but that's just because they're so damn passionate about their team. And let's be honest, isn't that what football is all about?

But enough about the fans, let's talk about the football itself. Millwall may not be the richest club with the most expensive players in London, so they make up for it with heart, grit, and determination. And if you're lucky enough to catch a match at their home ground, The Den, you're in for a real treat. The atmosphere can be absolutely electric, with the fans singing and chanting throughout the game. It's the kind of experience that will give you chills, even if you're not a die-hard football fan.

And let's not forget about the neighbourhood itself. Southeast London may not be on the top of most people's "must-see" lists, but it's a great part of the city that's well worth exploring. And if you're a foodie, you'll be in heaven. There are dozens of great restaurants, cafes, and pubs in the area, all serving up delicious food and drink at reasonable prices. And if you're looking to burn off some of those calories, you can take a stroll through nearby Southwark Park or visit the historic Bermondsey Market.

A trip to Millwall may not be for the faint of heart, but it's a unique and unforgettable experience that you won't find anywhere else. And as for the whole "dangerous fans" thing? Just remember if you believed everything you read in the papers, you'd think that all Americans are cowboys, all Australians are surfers, and all Brits are tea-drinking, bowler-hat-wearing aristocrats. And we all know that's not true, right? Right.

So get yourself down The Den. It'll be a trip you won't soon forget. And who knows, you might just come away with a newfound appreciation for the underdogs of English football. Come on you Lions!

If you're looking for a unique and quirky museum experience, then the Horniman should definitely be on your list.

First off, let me tell you about the museum itself. It's situated in a beautiful old building in the Forest Hill neighborhood of South East London. From the moment you enter, you'll be surrounded by an eclectic mix of artifacts and exhibits from around the world. There are all sorts of weird and wonderful things to see, from taxidermy animals to ancient musical instruments. And if you're a fan of ethnography, you're in for a real treat. The Horniman has an amazing collection of objects from cultures all over the world, including Africa, Asia, and the Americas.

But let's be honest, the best part of the Horniman Museum is the walrus. Yes, you read that right. The Walrus. It's the centrepiece of the Natural History collection and it's… well, it's something to behold. It's a huge, imposing creature that greets you as soon as you enter the room. And let me tell you, it's hard not to laugh when you see it. It's just so… goofy-looking. But don't take my word for it, you'll have to see it for yourself.

Another highlight of the museum is the Aquarium. It's not the biggest aquarium in London, but it's definitely one of the most charming. There are all sorts of colourful fish, crabs, and even jellyfish. And if you're lucky, you might even catch a glimpse of the resident axolotl. Trust me, it's worth the price of admission just to see those cute little guys.

But perhaps the best thing about the Horniman Museum is the sense of humour that permeates the whole place. It's not often that you come across a museum that doesn't take itself too seriously. From the silly puns in the signage to the oddball objects in the collections, the Horniman is a place that will put a smile on your face. And who knows, you might even learn something along the way.

Homepage - Horniman Museum and Gardens


Looking for a refreshing and unique swimming experience? You just found it.

First off, let me tell you about the lido itself. It's the largest freshwater swimming pool in the UK, and it's big enough to make even the most seasoned swimmer feel like a tiny fish in a very big pond. And if you're not an expert swimmer, don't worry - the shallow end is still plenty deep enough to get your feet wet.

But let's be honest, the best part of Tooting Bec Lido is the water temperature. When I say refreshing, I mean it. The water is cold. Like, really cold. So cold that it takes your breath away when you first jump in. But after a few seconds of gasping for air and trying not to scream, your body adjusts and it actually feels quite invigorating.

Another highlight of the lido is the changing rooms. They're not your typical drab, institutional locker rooms. These changing rooms are like a time capsule from the 1950s. The decor is all pastel tiles and vintage posters, and there are even hair dryers that look like they could be used to power a small rocket ship. It's a little bit like stepping into a Wes Anderson movie.

But perhaps the best thing about Tooting Bec Lido is the people-watching. There's a real mix of people at the lido, from hardcore swimmers doing laps to families with kids splashing around. And let's not forget the sunbathers. There's a whole section of the lido devoted to people who just want to soak up some rays without actually getting in the water. It's like a little slice of Mediterranean beach culture in South London.

So pack your swimsuit, grab a towel, and get ready to take the plunge. You won't (or at least might not) regret it!

Tooting Bec Lido | Tooting – Places Leisure


If you're the adventurous type then this one is for you. Walking over the roof of the O2 arena in Greenwich, London, is not for everyone but it is both exhilarating and (if you're a wuss like me) a little bit terrifying.  You won't ever forget it. 

Despite being strapped into a harness and given a safety briefing, I couldn't shake the feeling of unease as I began my ascent up the walkway that spiralled up the dome.

But it was worth it. As I reached the roof of the arena, the view looked majestic. From this vantage point, I could see the entirety of London spread out before me. The Thames snaked its way through the city, and I could see landmarks such as the Shard, the London Eye, and the Gherkin in the distance. A stunning panorama that helped me to forget my nerves.

But as I began to walk along the roof, my nerves returned. The walkway was a little bouncy underfoot, and I could feel the wind tugging at my hair and clothes. With each step, I was venturing further and further out of my comfort zone.

Despite my nerves, I pressed on, encouraged by the guide. We stopped at various points along the walkway, and the guide did what guides do and pointed out various landmarks and gave out snippets of information about the history of the area.

As we reached the summit of the roof, I was rewarded with an even more incredible view. I could see all the way to the Docklands, and the iconic silhouette of the Canary Wharf towers. I felt privileged to be up there.

After spending some time admiring the view, it was time to make the descent back down to the ground. Walking down felt much easier than walking up. 

In the end, the Up at The O2 experience was thrilling. If you're looking for a unique way to see London and don't mind a bit of a challenge, I highly recommend giving it a try!

Up at The O2 Climbs | The O2

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